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Gastronomy is “the knowledge and understanding of all that relates to man as he eats.  Its purpose is to ensure the conservation of men, using the best food possible” (Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin). It can also be defined as being the art of food eating. Food being a cultural product, it relates to the culture of a particular country. Every country has its own way of cooking and with its own products (spices, fruits, meat…). Gastronomy thus involves discovering, tasting, experiencing products and cooking from another culture.

Regional products

France is known internationally for its gastronomy. In 2010, it has indeed been added to the world’s heritage list at a UNESCO summit in Kenya. There are several reasons that helped the committee to make its choice, the main being that the French regional cuisine is characterized by its diversity and style. Indeed, each region of France has its own know-how and traditions regarding its cuisine (dressing and particular dishes).

Poitou-Charentes is one of the 22 regions of France. This region is composed of 4 departments : Charente, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne and Charente-Maritime. On this website, you will discover more about food specialities of the Charente-Maritime department.

To know what are the food specialities in the Charente-Maritime department, we have to take interest in the agriculture.

  • Different culture (cereals, vineyard, fruit-trees)
  • Breeding (cows, porks, sheep, goat, chicken, donkey)

Ré Island

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